Stress Management And Relaxation Techniques for Children and Adolescents is a unique evidence-based proprietary program that incorporates, movement and yoga-inspired exercise, calming breath techniques, guided relaxation to storytelling with positive imagery and other relaxation methods. Developed from empirical evidence gathered from student samples in various communities across the country.
Smart has shown to decrease anxiety while increasing confidence in children from pre through middle school. The smart classroom is a fun safe space where a child’s individual voice is heard, encouraged and valued.
Read More...American Psych Assoc on Stress
“Even though children know when their parents are stressed and admit that it directly affects them, parents are grossly underestimating the impact that their stress is having on their children,” says psychologist Katherine C. Nordal, PhD, APA’s executive director for professional practice. “It’s critical that parents communicate with their children about how to identify stress triggers and manage stress in healthy ways while they’re young and still developing behavioral patterns. If children don’t learn these lessons early on, it could significantly impact their physical health and emotional well-being down the road, especially as they become adults.”
Scholastic Magazine on Kids Stress
Our renowned, evidence-based program now integrates dance instruction. Several times per semester a new dance form and the culture it comes from will be introduced. Styles such as Modern, Folk, Afro-Cuban, Hip-Hop, Native-American, Asian, etc,
Class Descriptions
SMART-4-Kidz is a refreshing, engaging, spirit-enhancing, after-school program of yoga inspired exercise, creativity, breathing exercises, storytelling, expressive arts and more.
Children and adolescents enjoy the program’s key components: imagination, visualization and creativity; and become engaged, excited and inspired. They often come to class eager to share their own unique poses, stories and contributions, because, we find, they take the class home with them. This emergent model shows the children that their input matters and that creativity is cool!